iphone4s广告 iphone4s当年卖多少钱

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iPhone 4S的广告语:“出色的iPhone,如今更出色”

iphone4s广告 iphone4s当年卖多少钱-第1张图片-星选测评

iPhone 4S是在北京时间2011年10月04日在美国加利福尼亚州举行的Let's talk iPhone的新品发布会上,发布了这款运行iOS 5系统的新一代iPhone手机。

和iPhone 4相比,iPhone 4S在外观方面没有过多变化,但天线设计有所更改。iPhone 4S在iPhone 4基础上对配置进行了升级,配备A5双核处理器及双核显示核心,CPU速度是iPhone 4的两倍,图形性能则是iPhone 4的7倍。

iPhone 4的广告语:再一次、改变一切/如果你没有iPhone,那么你就真的没有iPhone。




2、iPhone 3G:这就是你一直等待的iPhone

当iPhone 3G于2008年6月9日面世,内置GPS,是苹果首款支持3G网络。机身材料从金属过渡到工程塑料。待机时间达到两个星期之久。除了这些之外,在台支持3G网络的iPhone,真正地改变了人们对手机的定义,其实用性远远超过了前代。

3、IPhone 3GS:迄今为止最快、最强的iPhone

IPhone 3GS的最大储存已经达到了32GB,从200万像素提升到320万像素。运行处理器和3G网络载入端有所提升,手机流畅性和上网流畅性体验更加舒适。

4、iPhone 4:再一次,改变一切。

iPhone 4延续多点触控技术,前置30万摄像头,后置500万单摄+闪光灯,长刘海和宽下巴对称,下巴处置iPhone键,设计条理分明,被公认为苹果最好看的手机。iPhone 4是苹果再一次改变了人们对智能手机的定义,可以说在全面屏出现之前,iPhone 4就是智能手机的制式标准。

5、iPhone 4S:出色的iPhone,如今更出色

iPhone 4S首次加入了Siri和iCloud,曾经定义了智能手机设计理念的iPhone4,iPhone4S长江后浪推前浪,再次颠覆智能机含义。首创的智能语音助手,更是成为了现在的智能手机的标配,它标志这人机交互的新模式。

6、iPhone 5:有史以来改变最大的iPhone

iPhone 5在屏幕分辨率上有所提升,达到了1136x640,屏幕尺寸扩大到4英寸,比例为16:9.却比上一代更为轻薄。在性能和系统上有所提升。

7、iPhone 5s:最超前、空前的手机

iPhone 5s的首发在首周就突破了900万部,首次使用了按压式指纹识别功能,被评为“本年度最具创新力的十大设备”。



Advertisement word is: if you don't have IPhone, you have FaceTime, it can easily and another iPhone, face to face, can talk to Mac, even easy talking with iPad, FaceTime, this is iPhone known as iPhone another.

Some people have questioned the world there is no love at first sight love, I think, love at first sight is the world's largest cause of the occasion. At first sight how fast the speed? Suddenly look back, the intersection of four eyes, light stone fire, storms...... are the moment of the posture. Love at first sight hard to find, iphone4s let you easily feel the speed of love at first sight.A new generation of iphone4s with A5 dual-core processor and dual-core graphics core, CPU speed is iphone4 twice the graphics performance is iPhone 4 7 times when you start the software, browse the web and do all kinds of operations, you will obviously feel it Of the shocking fast effect. No matter what you are doing, iphone4s to enjoy the moment you enjoy the wonderful experience.Slogan: excellent iphone, now even better.Enclosure:You can choose from three options: Login to our Apple Store online store, we will send the product to your home, free shipping, the product is ready to use. Visit the Apple Retail Store to purchase an iPhone, and we will activate and set up the product as you like. You can also purchase iPhone from China Unicom and specific Apple resellers.


You may encounter such an embarrassing problem: when you play the piano, the left hand and right hand like a natural contradiction, it is difficult to coordinate Qi; you say when the cold, your boyfriend to your sweater handed you, not to you A warm embrace; when you write the text, the exhausted mind can not express the deepest despair of loneliness and the most gentle love...... a kind of being torn in half the pain.

Iphone4s, understand your pain. Iphone4s built iCloud cloud services. It can store your content and send them wirelessly on all your devices. Automatic implementation, easy to achieve synchronization. Is not to give you the feeling of a consonance?

Slogan: excellent iphone, now even better.


You can choose from three options:

Log in to our Apple Store online store, we will send your product to your home, free shipping,

Products that hand.

Visit the Apple Store to purchase an iPhone, and we will activate it in the way you like

Set up the product.

You can also purchase iPhone from China Unicom and specific Apple


Time like the past to erase the past, the contours of people gradually blurred in the years, afraid to remember your face, life from a little less miss. Most afraid of misty days in the rain and you say goodbye, but also afraid of the song gradually from the time the tears wet his eyes, could not bear to break up, but still be clear to see how you are gone.

Sad or happy, want to record these irreversible moments. Laugh, tears, kiss, do not...... only iphone4s can let me safely capture each memorable moment, which uses a new optical technology, with up to 800 million pixels camera, support 1080p HD high-definition camera, film art.

Slogan: excellent iphone, now even better.


You can choose from three options:

Log in to our Apple Store online store, we will send your product to your home, free shipping,

Products that hand.

Visit the Apple Store to purchase an iPhone, and we will activate it in the way you like

Set up the product.

You can also purchase iPhone from China Unicom and specific Apple resellers.

iPhone 3GS:iPhone3gs,有千万个理由让你爱。

iPhone 4:再一次、改变一切/如果你没有iPhone,那么你就真的没有iPhone

iPhone 4S:出色的iPhone,如今更出色

iPhone 5:自iPhone以来又一次极其重大的'飞跃,易惹人爱,所以众人喜爱



标签: iphone4s 当年 多少